
Canmag is a specialized liquid micro nutrient fertilizer that combines calcium (CaO), nitrate nitrogen (NO3), and magnesium (MgO) with stabilized amine nitrogen. This formulation allows for efficient root absorption without the need for ammonia conversion, promoting healthy plant growth and nutrient uptake.

Key Benefits

Increases plant resilience and structural integrity.
Enhances energy production for vigorous growth.
Helps plants cope with environmental stressors
Improves overall quality of fruits and vegetables.
Facilitates absorption and utilization of nutrients.
Reduces the risk of nutrient-related issues.

Application and Dosage

Schedule-4 (Organic fertilizers)

Liquid micronutrient fertilizer

All Crops

1 litre per acre

At pod and cutting stages 2.5 - 4.0 L/acre should be applied as drip irri- gation once every 4 days.