1 Liters


P-Factor is an innovative liquid biofertilizer specifically designed to enhance the availability of phosphorus in soil through a high concentration of phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria. It contains a minimum of 1 x 10⁸ colony-forming units (CFU) per milliliter of both free-living and endophytic bacterial strains. This formulation optimizes phosphorus utilization, thereby promoting robust and productive crop growth.
Rahamath Ali
Rahamath Ali
Rahamath Ali

Key Benefits

The bacteria in P-Factor produce organic acids and enzymes that solubilize soil-bound phosphorus, converting it into forms readily absorbable by plants. This process can release approximately 25-30 kg of phosphorus per hectare, reducing the need for chemical phosphorus fertilizers.
Application of P-Factor can potentially decrease the requirement for chemical phosphorus fertilizers by 20-25%, resulting in significant cost savings for farmers.
P-Factor promotes the secretion of plant hormones and biochemicals in the root zone, enhancing plant growth and development.
The use of P-Factor may contribute to a 15-20% increase in crop yield, supporting more efficient and sustainable agricultural practices.
Contains patented phosphate-solubilizing bacteria deposited under the IDA Budapest Treaty.

Application and Dosage

Schedule - 3 (Bio Fertilizers)

Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria

All Crops

1 Ltr per acre.

  • For short-duration crops, a single application during the crop cycle is recommended.
  • For mid-duration crops, apply twice.
  • For long-duration crops, apply 2 to 3 times per crop cycle.

  • Initiate the casting process by administering through drip irrigation initial- ly, followed by strategic spraying in subsequent stages, ensuring optimal P-FACTOR incorporation.
  • Apply 1 litre per acre via spraying during rainy conditions to leverage the en- dophytic bacterial species, enabling bacterial entry through leaves, tender stems for enhanced plant vitality.